(album or track name)

The Blackball Line
Track appears on these albums:
The Blackball Line (Topic 8T8)
Singing Sailors (Wattle C5)
Haul on the Bowlin' (Stinson Records SLP 80)
Blow The Man Down (Topic TOP98)
Blow the Man Down (Topic TSCD464)
A Sailor's Garland (Prestige INT 13043)
A Sailor's Garland (Transatlantic XTRA 5013)
Chants de Marins Anglais No 2 (Le Chante du Monde LDY 4157)
Sea Songs And Shanties. Topic Sampler No 7 (Topic TPS 205)
Please, note, that these may be the different versions of the same song
On the other hand, if the song appears under a different name on some album - it won't be shown here