(album or track name)

The Coast of Peru
Track appears on these albums:
The Singing Sailor (Topic TRL3)
The Blackball Line (Topic 8T8)
Shanties & Fo'c'sle Songs (Wattle C6)
Haul on the Bowlin' (Stinson Records SLP 80)
The Coast of Peru (Topic TOP100)
Whaler Out Of New Bedford (Folkways FS 3850,FW 3850)
Thar She Blows! (Riverside RLP 12-635)
Whaling Ballads (Washington WLP 724)
Chants de Marins Anglais No 2 (Le Chante du Monde LDY 4157)
Sea Songs And Shanties. Topic Sampler No 7 (Topic TPS 205)
Please, note, that these may be the different versions of the same song
On the other hand, if the song appears under a different name on some album - it won't be shown here