(album or track name)

Sweet Thames Flow Softly
Track appears on these albums:
Freeborn Man (Blackthorne BR 1065)
Sweet Thames Flow Softly (Argo ZDA 47)
Sweet Thames Flow Softly (Vocalion CDSML 8424)
The Amorous Muse (Argo ZDA 84, ZFB 66)
The World Of Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger, Vol.1 (Argo SPA 102)
Freeborn Man (Rounder ROUN 3080)
Freeborn Man (Amiga 8 45 367)
Poetry And Song, Vol.11 (Argo DA 60)
Freeborn Man (Camsco / Blackthorne BR 1065)
Please, note, that these may be the different versions of the same song
On the other hand, if the song appears under a different name on some album - it won't be shown here