(album or track name)

A.L. Lloyd and Ewan MacColl
English and Scottish Folk Ballads
12-inch LP
1. Henry Martin - A.L. Lloyd (appears on other albums)
2. The Baron of Brackley - Ewan MacColl (appears on other albums)
3. The Cruel Mother - A.L. Lloyd (appears on other albums)
4. Lord Randal - Ewan MacColl (appears on other albums)
5. The Bitter Withy - A.L. Lloyd (appears on other albums)
6. The Sweet Kumadie - Ewan MacColl (appears on other albums)
7. The Demon Lover - A.L. Lloyd (appears on other albums)
8. Hughie the Graeme - Ewan MacColl (appears on other albums)
9. The Prickly Bush - A.L. Lloyd (appears on other albums)
10. The Beggar Man - Ewan MacColl (appears on other albums)
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, vocals
Alf Edwards, concertina (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9)

Reissued with additions in 1996: English & Scottish Folk Ballads
Related recordings:
English & Scottish Folk Ballads (Topic TSCD480)
The reissue on CD is available from Topic Records
Thanks to Reinhard Zierke for the information from his extensive A.L.Lloyd's discography.